TWENTY-FIVE years of campaigning may finally pay off for a Tottenham sports charity that has desperately been trying to save playing fields from redevelopment.

After years of fighting, Community Action Sport (CAS) have now put in a bid to buy Bull Lane playing fields from Haringey Council after being awarded a £750,000 grant from the London Marathon Trust.

Campaigners have battled with the council since the 1980s to come to a decision on what to do with the green space.

The sports group now hopes to buy both Bull Lane playing fields and neighbouring Pasteur Gardens, in Wood Green, for £490,000 and renovate them for sports and leisure use.

And the land could be leased to St Thomas More School, which specialises in sport but has no playing fields of its own.

Malcolm Springthorpe, CAS secretary, said: "This is the closest we have been for 25 years at getting a resolution to this problem.

"We feel this is finally our moment to make sure all those years of hard work pay off.

"It has been such a long campaign to save these fields. Over the years we have gained thousands of supporters, but we could never convince the council to make a decision.

"People have asked me, aren't you tired? But this is very, very exciting for us. Your home and environment is the most important thing. That's what it's all about."

Haringey Council had previously proposed building housing on the fields, but had failed to come to an agreement with Enfield Council, which would have to grant permission for any redevelopment work that takes place.

CAS now has until the end of July to draw up a business plan for funding, developing and operating the sites.

Haringey Council leader Claire Kober was enthusiastic about the group's offer. She said: "It is fantastic that Community Action Sport have secured this funding.

"We will continue to work alongside them and consider their offer to purchase the land in light of this award."

The grounds are used by Haringey Sixth Form Centre, in White Hart Lane, Tottenham, and football teams, including Park View Rangers and Spurs Ladies.